Want a great and affordable gift for a flyfisherman - or a little treat for yourself?
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Updated or edited 1 weeks ago
Want a great and affordable gift for a flyfisherman - or a little treat for yourself?
Here is good suggestion: a fun little book, written by a man with stories to tell and a big heart for humour, fishing and rod building.
And the book is only 10 US dollars!
Nunley has written and published about 25 short stories in this small volume, all with a couple of common denominators: flyfishing and humour. Through its about 100 pages, the author manages to entertain you very well, and at 40 cents a story, who can complain if one or two do not fully meet the high average of the rest?
Starting off with the story about how the authors's tongue got stuck to the ferrule on his split cane rod during a very cold day's fishing, sets the pace and tone. Each story is quickly read, and the size of the book and length of the stories makes it perfect good night reading for those of us, who cannot swallow dozens of pages on the edge of sleep.
The question in the introduction about how one man can experience all these hilarities seems well placed, but as Nunley points out: if you go fishing enough, things will happen - and a lot of them funny things.
True enough!
The book seems very home made, but of a nice quality and layout. The front cover could have been tightened a bit, but again I must remind you that this is a ten dollar book! At this price even typos and other small errors are easily forgiven.
If you like small stories about flyfishing, this is a book for you. The book is probably not available in book stores or tackle shops, so you will have to drop by Nunley's web page and order online.
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