A DVD dedicated to fly fishing for pike by Danish Niels Vestergaard
Image gallery for Pike & FlyUpdated or edited 2 months ago
Fly fishing for pike has been the new black for a few years, and has become increasingly popular both in Europe and in the US. It's easy to understand why, because pike are pretty common, pike fishing is usually easily accessible (and even free or inexpensive in most cases) and pike are great fish to catch, being feisty attackers, pretty great fighters and not least known to grow to more than decent sizes.
On this background it's easy to understand why successful Danish film maker Niels Vestergaard – known from his fabulous series about sea trout fishing – has released a video on pike fishing with a fly. Teaming up with Danish anglers Gordon P. Henriksen and Lars Christian Bentsen, he covers essentially all aspects of fly fishing for pike during this 1 hour video.
It contains great advice on both gear choice, rigging the leaders - essential in pike fishing - fishing tactics from boat and belly boat as well as wading, and a good coverage of what fly to select and how to make it attractive to the pike.
As always with Vestagaard's videos, production quality is top notch with a great rhythm, mixing well composed footage, underwater shots of flies and takes (becoming a Vestergaard hallmark) and some excellent fishing and fighting. The soundtrack is in English and subtitles are available in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German as well as English.
Apart from some really exciting popper takes filmed under as well as over water, this video isn't groundbreaking, but a very good, basic intro to pike fishing with a fly, with some great chapters on fishing from a boat and rigging your gear for pike.
The video is available on DVD, but is also released online for streaming like Vestergaards other videos. So you can own a physical copy for 170 DKK, 23 Euros or about 24 USD. Online rental prices are 40 DKK, 5.50 Euros or 6 USD for 48 hours of access.
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pike & fly
is this available on DVD or is it just for down load . if it is on DVD I would like to get it for my collection .
pike an fly
can this video be found on amazon or if not where may I find it here in the U.S on DVD ?
Order it online
Follow the link in the fact box and order it on a DVD... or ask Niels, the producer, if there's a US dealer. I don't think that's the case, but maybe. His contact information is also found if you follow the link.